“This Homestead race was basically the story of our season – everything that we can control goes right, everything that’s outside of our control, goes wrong. Had we not run out of gas tonight, or been wrecked by Cindric the week before, we’d be the champs right now. That’s a very bittersweet thing to look at. Unfortunately, we ran out of gas – that’s a little on me, a little on our pit stop. We had to stop short because the 29 came in, in front of us, and it took longer to get gas in it, and I left a split second too early, so that could have been it right there. We were also too tight that last run. I was about an 11 o’clock on the wheel before that run – when we were running the fastest laps of the race, and driving away from the field – to a 9 o’clock on the wheel – just plowing, and almost knocking the wall down, and doing everything I can to hold on. We are just going to move forward from this, and hopefully whatever I’m doing next year, I’ll have the opportunity to run for a championship.”

(Photo by Sarah Crabill/Getty Images)
Homestead Race Information:
Started: 2nd
Finished: 19th
Laps: 130/134
Laps Led: 43
Status: Running
Driver Points: 5th
Owner Points: 10th
2017 Stats:
Starts: 23
Laps Completed: 3148 of 3432
Laps Led: 203
Wins: 1
Top-5 Finishes: 6
Top-10 Finishes: 12
Average Start: 7.8
Average Finish: 12.4